This website ("website") is operated by Luma Inc., which includes Luma stores, and Luma Private Sales. This privacy policy only covers information collected at this website, and does not cover any information collected offline by Luma. All Luma websites are covered by this privacy policy.

Luma Security

Personal information provided on the website and online credit card transactions are transmitted through a secure server. We are committed to handling your personal information with high standards of information security. We take appropriate physical, electronic, and administrative steps to maintain the security and accuracy of personally identifiable information we collect, including limiting the number of people who have physical access to our database servers, as well as employing electronic security systems and password protections that guard against unauthorized access.

Our website uses encryption technology, like Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), to protect your personal information during data transport. SSL encrypts ordering information such as your name, address, and credit card number. Our Customer Care center and stores also operate over a private, secure network. Please note that email is not encrypted and is not considered to be a secure means of transmitting credit card information.

Luma Privacy Policy

To help us achieve our goal of providing the highest quality products and services, we use information from our interactions with you and other customers, as well as from other parties. Because we respect your privacy, we have implemented procedures to ensure that your personal information is handled in a safe, secure, and responsible manner. We have posted this privacy policy in order to explain our information collection practices and the choices you have about the way information is collected and used.

As we continue to develop the Luma website and take advantage of advances in technology to improve the services we offer, this privacy policy likely will change. We therefore encourage you to refer to this policy on an ongoing basis so that you understand our current privacy policy.

The Information We Collect

Generally, you may browse the Luma website without providing any personally identifiable information. However, we may ask you to provide personally identifiable information at various times and places on this website. In some cases, if you choose not to provide us with the requested information, you may not be able to access all parts of this website or participate in all of its features, pricing, and product selection.

We may collect the following information:

  • name
  • contact information including email address
  • demographic information such as postcode, preferences and interests
  • other information relevant to customer surveys and/or offers

For the exhaustive list of cookies we collect see the List of cookies we collect section. From your purchases and other interactions with us, we obtain information concerning the specific products or services you purchase or use. When you visit this website, our web server automatically collects anonymous information such as log data and IP addresses, and may collect general information concerning your location. We may use the automatically collected information for a number of purposes, such as improving our site design, product assortments, customer service, and special promotions.

How We Use The Information We Collect

We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:

  • Internal record keeping.
  • We may use the information to improve our products and services.
  • We may periodically send promotional emails about new products, special offers or other information which we think you may find interesting using the email address which you have provided.
  • From time to time, we may also use your information to contact you for market research purposes. We may contact you by email, phone, fax or mail. We may use the information to customize the website according to your interests.


We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

Others With Whom We Share Your Information.

The Luma Group: All of the above information that we collect, as described above, may be shared among all Luma entities, including Luma Venia and Luma Terra stores, website and Private Sales.

Service Providers: We also may disclose information to outside companies that help us bring you the products and services we offer. For example, we may work with an outside company to: (a) manage a database of customer information; (b) assist us in distributing emails; (c) assist us with direct marketing and data collection; (d) provide us storage and analysis; (d) provide fraud prevention; and (e) provide other services designed to assist us in maximizing our business potential. We require that these outside companies agree to keep confidential all information we share with them and to use the information only to perform their obligations in our agreements with them.

Other Companies: We may provide information to carefully selected outside companies when we believe their products or services may be of interest to you.

Business Transitions: We may transfer or share a copy of personal information about you in the event that Luma or one of its properties, affiliates, or subsidiaries goes through a business transition, such as a merger, being acquired by another company, or selling a portion of its assets. You will be notified via email or prominent notice on our website prior to a change of ownership or control of your personal information, if your personal information will be used contrary to this policy. However, nothing in this Privacy Policy is intended to interfere with the ability of Luma to transfer all or part of its business and/or assets to an affiliate or independent third party at any time, for any purpose, without any limitation whatsoever.

Luma specifically reserves the right to transfer or share a copy of personally identifiable information collected from its websites to the buyer of that portion of its business relating to that information.

Compliance with Law: We may provide access to information when legally required to do so, to cooperate with police investigations or other legal proceedings, to protect against misuse or unauthorized use of our website, to limit our legal liability, and to protect our rights or to protect the rights, property, or safety of visitors of this website or the public.

Luma partners with advertising companies to place our advertising on publisher websites on the Internet. These advertising companies collect anonymous information about your visits to our web site. This technology involves the use of third party cookies that allow them to develop personalized advertising so that it directly relates to offers that may be of interest to you. You may choose to opt-out of this service we have with our third-party advertising partner. We may also use Luma cookies to provide similar enhanced online marketing to you based on your interests and preferences. You may also choose to opt out of these enhanced online marketing ads.

Your Choices Regarding Use Of The Information We Collect

You have several choices regarding our handling of your nonpublic personally identifiable information.

Direct Mail or Telephone Marketing: If you shop at the Luma or Private Sales stores and wish to be removed from the list of customers that receive direct mail or telemarketing calls, please either write to Luma Customer Care at 112 West 34th Street, 18th Flr. New York, NY 10120 or call +1 800-403-8838. If you choose to write to us, please include your name, address, and credit card account number (if you have one), and state one of the following:

  • "NO MAIL OFFERS" (if you don't want to receive offers by mail);
  • "NO PHONE OFFERS" (if you don't want to receive offers by phone);
  • "NO PHONE OR MAIL OFFERS" (if you don't want to receive either).

Because customer lists often are prepared well in advance of an offering (sometimes a few months before the offer is made), you may continue to receive some offers after you send us a request not to use your information for specified marketing purposes. We appreciate your patience and understanding in giving us time to carry out your request.

Your California Privacy Rights

Under California Civil Code sections 1798.83-1798.84, California residents are entitled to ask us for a notice describing what categories of personal customer information we share with third parties or corporate affiliates for those third parties or corporate affiliates' direct marketing purposes. That notice will identify the categories of information shared and will include a list of the third parties and affiliates with which it was shared, along with their names and addresses. If you are a California resident and would like a copy of this notice, please submit a written request to the following address: Luma Customer Care, 112 West 34th Street, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10120. Please allow 30 days for a response.

Cookies, Web Beacons, and How We Use Them

A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer's hard drive. Once you agree, the file is added and the cookie helps analyze web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.

We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyze data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system.

Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us. You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website.

A "web beacon" or "pixel tag" or "clear gif" is typically a one-pixel image, used to pass information from your computer or mobile device to a website.

We use cookies and web beacons to keep track of what you have in your shopping cart and to remember you when you return to the website as well as to identify the pages you click on during your visit to our site and the name of the website you visited immediately before clicking to the Luma website. We use this information to improve our site design, product assortments, customer service, and special promotions. You can, of course, disable cookies and web beacons on your computer by indicating this in the preferences or options menus in your browser. However, it is possible that some parts of our website will not operate correctly if you disable cookies. We may also use web beacons, and other technologies, to help track whether our communications are reaching you, to measure their effectiveness, or to collect certain non-personal information about your computer, device, or browser in order to allow us to better design future communications to you.

We may contract with third parties who may use cookies and web beacons and collect information on our behalf or provide services such as credit card processing, shipping, promotional services, or data management. We call them our Customer Care Partners. These third parties are prohibited by our contract with them from sharing that information with anyone other than us or our other Customer Care Partners.

List of cookies we collect

The table below lists the cookies we collect and the information they store.

COOKIE name COOKIE Description
CART The association with your shopping cart.
CATEGORY_INFO Allows pages to be displayed more quickly.
COMPARE The items that you have in the Compare Products list.
CUSTOMER An encrypted version of your customer id.
CUSTOMER_AUTH An indicator if you are signed into the store.
CUSTOMER_INFO An encrypted version of the customer group you belong to.
CUSTOMER_SEGMENT_IDS Stores your Customer Segment ID
EXTERNAL_NO_CACHE A flag that, indicates whether caching is on or off.
FRONTEND Your session ID on the server.
GUEST-VIEW Allows guests to edit their orders.
LAST_CATEGORY The last category you visited.
LAST_PRODUCT The last product you looked at.
NEWMESSAGE Indicates whether a new message has been received.
NO_CACHE Indicates whether it is allowed to use cache.
PERSISTENT_SHOPPING_CART A link to information about your cart and viewing history if you have asked the site.
RECENTLYCOMPARED The items you recently compared.
STF Information on products you emailed to friends.
STORE The store view or language you have selected.
USER_ALLOWED_SAVE_COOKIE Indicates whether a customer authorized cookies.
VIEWED_PRODUCT_IDS The products that you recently looked at.
WISHLIST An encrypted list of products added to your wish list.
WISHLIST_CNT The number of items in your wish list.

Online Account Registration

To make online shopping faster and easier, you may register on the Luma website. As a registered customer, you only have to enter your shipping addresses and billing information once; they will be securely stored with us for your future use. Using your name and a password of your choice, you may access your account online at any time to add, delete, or change information. If you are using a public computer, we strongly encourage you to Sign Out when you finish shopping. Your information will still be stored with us but it will not be accessible to anyone else from that computer.


You will receive promotional emails from us only if you have asked to receive them. If you do not want to receive email from Luma or its affiliates you can click on the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of any email communication sent by us. Please allow us 3 business days from when the request was received to complete the removal, as some of our promotions may already have been in process before you submitted your request.


By using this website, you accept the policies set forth in this Privacy Policy.

Questions for Luma?

Contact Us

CityShop OÜ jaoks on oluline Teie privaatsus ja järgida kõiki kehtivaid seadusi ja määrusi mis tahes isikuandmete kohta, mida võime Teie kohta koguda, kui külastate meie veebilehte Meie veebisaiti kasutades nõustute, et kogume ja kasutame Teie andmeid vastavalt käesolevale privaatsuspoliitikale.

Käesoleva privaatsuspoliitikaga soovime Teile selgitada, milliseid andmeid me kogume, kuidas neid kasutame ja millised on Teie õigused oma andmete kaitsmiseks. Poliis rakendub ainult meie veebilehele ja selle külastajatele ning ei rakendu andmetele, mida kogutakse muude kanalite kaudu.

Teie andmete töötleja on CityShop OÜ

ettevõtte reg. number: 14196231


telefoninumber: +37256601667

Kogume ja töötleme teavet kooskõlas Euroopa Liidu üldise andmekaitse määrusega (GDPR), mis jõustus 25.05.2018.

Andmete kogumine ja kasutamine

Milliseid andmeid me kogume

Kogutav teave hõlmab nii teavet, mida Te meile teadlikult ja aktiivselt edastate meie teenuste või kampaaniate kasutamisel või nendes osalemisel, kui ka kogu teavet, mille Teie seadmed saadavad meie toodetele ja teenustele juurde pääsemisel.

Meie poolt kogutavad andmed sisaldavad endas teavet, mida olete meie teenuste või kampaaniate kasutamisel meile teadlikult jaganud ning teavet, mida Teie seadmed meile automaatselt edastavad.

Teie isiklikud andmed võivad jõuda meieni järgmistel viisidel:

  • Kui teete tellimuse e-poes
  • Kui registreerite end e-poe kasutajaks
  • Kui kontakteerute meiega telefoni, e-posti või online vestluse kaudu
  • Kui ostate toote järelmaksuga ja sõlmite liisingulepingu
  • Kui sirvite veebilehte
  • Kui esitate isiklikke andmeid teise isiku kohta, kes kauba vastu võtab
  • Kui teete makseid kasutades e-panka või muud elektroonilist maksemeetodit
  • Kui Te kommenteerite, laigite või jagate mõnda postitust meie sotsiaalmeedia kontol
  • Kui liitute meie uudiskirjaga
  • Kui kommenteerite meie veebilehel olevaid postitusi

Kogutavad andmetüübid


Küsime Teilt isiklikku informatsiooni ainult siis, kui see on vajalik Teile teenuse osutamiseks. Võttes meiega ühendust või külastades meie veebilehte, on võimalik, et jagate meiega järgnevat teavet:

  • Ees- ja perekonnanimi
  • E-posti aadress
  • Postiaadress, riik, maakond, linn
  • Telefoninumber
  • Teie ostuajalugu ja tegevus meie e-poes
  • Teie ja meie vaheline vestlusajalugu
  • Informatsioon Teie veebibrauseri ja IP-aadressi kohta


Meie veebileht salvestab oma külastajate kohta logifaile. Kogutava teabe hulka võib kuuluda:

  • Kasutatava seadme tüüp
  • Interneti-protokolli (IP) aadress
  • brauseri tüüp
  • Internetiteenuse pakkuja (ISP)
  • Veebilehe külastamise kuupäev ja kellaaeg
  • Sisenemis- ja väljumisleht veebilehel tehtavate klikkide arv

Logifailides olevat informatsiooni kasutatakse trendide analüüsimiseks, veebilehe administreerimiseks, lehe külastajate tegevuste jälgimiseks ning demograafilise info kogumiseks. Saadud teabe ei ole mõeldud, ega võimaldagi isikut identifitseerida.


Nagu enamus veebilehti, kasutab ka "küpsiseid". Küpsis on sisuliselt tekstifail, mis salvestatakse veebisaidi külastamisel kasutaja seadmesse. Küpsiste abil määratakse ja salvestatakse eelistused, regionaalsed sätted, teenuste kasutamise valikud jpm.

Soovi korral võite brauseri seadistuses ära keelata küpsiste kasutamise, kuid sel juhul on võimalik, et Teile pakutav teenus on häiritud.

Küpsised jaotuvad püsi- ja sessiooniküpsisteks. Püsiküpsised jäävad Teie personaalarvutisse või mobiilseadmesse ka peale seda, kui olete sulgenud brauseri või arvuti. Sessiooniküpsised kustutatakse aga kohe pärast brauseri sulgemist.

Küpsised jagunevad oma eesmärgi järgi:

Vajalikud küpsised. Sessiooniküpsised, mille eesmärgiks on võimaldada Teile meie veebisaidil pakutavate teenuste kasutamist. Need küpsised aitavad kasutajaid autentida ja vältida kasutajakontode pahatahtlikku kasutamist. Ilma nende küpsisteta ei saa me Teile soovitud teenuseid pakkuda.

Teavitusküpsised. Need küpsised tuvastavad, kas kasutajad on veebisaidil küpsiste kasutamist aktsepteerinud.

Funktsionaalsuse küpsised. Need küpsised võimaldavad Teie brauseril meeles pidada valikuid, mida teete veebisaidi kasutamisel, näiteks Teie sisselogimisandmete või keele-eelistuste salvestamine. Nende küpsiste eesmärk on pakkuda Teile personaalsemat kogemust ja vältida eelistuste uuesti sisestamist.

Kuidas me andmeid kasutame

Kogutud informatsiooni võime kasutada erinevatel eesmärkidel, sealhulgas:

  • Meie veebilehe hooldamiseks, haldamiseks, arendamiseks, personaliseerimiseks ja laiendamiseks
  • Statistika kogumiseks, et saaksime pakkuda paremaid teenuseid ja/või pakkumisi ning mõista ja analüüsida meie veebilehe külastajate käitumist
  • Teie tuvastamiseks telefoni, sõnumi või e-posti teel
  • Teile informatsiooni saatmisel ja meie teenuste kohta tagasiside palumisel
  • Pettuste vältimiseks ja meie veebilehe kaitsmiseks
  • Võimaldamaks meil Teiega ühenduses olla sotsiaalmeedia konto kaudu
  • Vestlusajaloo lugemise võimaldamiseks, et kiirendada asjakohase nõu andmist
  • Eesmärgiga parandada meie teenuse kvaliteeti ja pakkuda tõhusamaid sirvimislahendusi
  • Et arendada uusi uusi tooteid, teenuseid või parandada nende funktsionaalsust
  • Kauba saatmiseks/kättetoimetamiseks, tellimuste töötlemiseks, arvete vormistamiseks, pangalingi kaudu tellimiseks ja Teie tellimuse kinnitamiseks või raha tagastamiseks
  • Teie eelnevaid tellimusi arvesse võttes Teile huvi pakkuda võivate toodete ja teenuste pakkumine
  • Meievaheliste interaktsioonide lihtsustamiseks ja kiirendamiseks, kui võtate meiega ühendust
  • Muudel eesmärkidel. Näiteks andmete analüüsimiseks, trendide uurimiseks, meie reklaamikampaaniate tõhususe hindamiseks.

Millistel juhtudel on võimalik, et jagame Teie andmeid

  • Võime jagada või edastada Teie isikuandmeid seoses meie ettevõtte omanike vahetuse, ühinemise, varade müügi, finantseerimise või omandamise käigus. Teavitame Teid Teie isikuandmete edastamisest ja sellest, kui neile hakkavad kehtima mõne teise privaatsuspoliitika sätted.
  • Võime jagada Teie andmeid oma partnerettevõtetega, nõudes neilt käesoleva privaatsuspoliitika järgimist. Partnerettevõtete hulka kuuluvad meie ema- ja tütarettevõtted, ühisettevõtte partnerid või ettevõtted, mis kuuluvad meile.
  • Võime jagada Teie andmeid oma äripartneritega, et pakkuda Teile teatud tooteid, teenuseid või kampaaniaid.
  • Võime Teie nõusolekul avaldada Teie isikuandmeid mis tahes muul eesmärgil.
  • Oleme kohustatud Teie isikuandmed avaldama, kui seda nõuab seadus. Heas usus võime avaldada ka Teie andmeid, et järgida seadusest tulenevat kohustust, kaitsta meie õigusi või omandit, ennetada või tuvastada võimalikke meie teenuse kasutamisega seonduvaid õigusrikkumisi ja tagada teenuse kasutajate turvalisus.

Teie isikuandmete säilitamine

Ettevõte säilitab Teie isikuandmeid ainult seni, kuni see on vajalik käesolevas privaatsuspoliitikas sätestatud eesmärkidel. Säilitame ja kasutame Teie isikuandmeid ulatuses, mis on vajalik meie juriidiliste kohustuste täitmiseks (näiteks kui peame Teie andmeid säilitama kehtivate seaduste järgimiseks), vaidluste lahendamiseks ning meie juriidiliste lepingute ja eeskirjade jõustamiseks.

Ettevõte säilitab logifaile ka siseanalüüsi eesmärgil. Logifaile säilitatakse tavaliselt lühemat aega, välja arvatud juhul, kui neid andmeid kasutatakse turvalisuse tugevdamiseks või meie teenuse funktsionaalsuse parandamiseks või kui me oleme seadusega kohustatud neid andmeid pikemaks ajaks säilitama.

Laste andmete töötlemine

Ükski meie toode või teenus ei ole suunatud alla 13-aastastele lastele ja me ei kogu teadlikult alla 13-aastaste laste andmeid. Kahtluse korral, et töötleme alla 13-aastase isiku andmeid, eemaldame selle isiku kõigist meie andmebaasidest.

Teie õigused oma andmete kaitsmiseks

Teil on alati õigus oma andmeid meiega mitte jagada, teadmisega, et see võib mõjutada Teie kogemust meie veebisaidil. Kui otsustate oma andmeid meiega mitte jagada, ei kohtle me Teid seepärast halvemini. Kui edastate meile isiklikku teavet, mõistate, et kogume, hoiame, kasutame ja avaldame seda vastavalt käesolevale privaatsuspoliitikale. Teil on õigus nõuda Teie kohta kogutavate andmete üksikasju.

Saades Teie kohta isiklikku teavet kolmandalt osapoolelt, kaitseme seda vastavalt käesolevale privaatsuspoliitikale ja Eesti Vabariigi seadusele. Kui jagate ise kolmanda osapoole andmeid, kinnitate, et Teil on selleks ka õigus ja luba.

Isegi kui olete varem andnud nõusoleku meiega oma isiklikke andmeid turunduse eesmärkidel jagada, jääb Teile õigus igal ajal oma meelt muuta. Teil on alati õigus loobuda meiega suhtlemisest ja nõuda, et eemaldaksime Teie andmed meie andmebaasidest. Aeg-ajalt võime ka küsida Teie kohta teavet Teie isiku kinnitamiseks. Kui leiate, et andmed, mida Teie kohta kogunud oleme, on ebatäpsed, aegunud, puudulikud, ebaolulised või eksitavad, palun võtke meiega ühendust e-posti teel: või telefonitsi: +37256601667. Teeme kõik meist oleneva, et parandada ebatäpset, puudulikku, eksitavat või aegunud teavet.

Kui arvate, et oleme rikkunud asjakohast andmekaitseseadust ja soovite esitada kaebuse, palun võtke meiega ühendust, kasutades käesolevast dokumendist leitavaid kontaktandmeid ja edastage meile kõik rikkumise kohta käivad üksikasjad. Uurime Teie kaebust viivitamata ja vastame teile kirjalikult, esitades uurimise tulemused ja toome välja sammud, mida Teie kaebuse lahendamiseks ette võtame. Samuti on Teil õigus pöörduda reguleeriva asutuse või andmekaitseasutuse poole.

GDPR andmekaitseõigused

Soovime olla veendunud, et olete teadlik kõigist oma andmekaitseõigustest. Igal lehe kasutajal on õigus järgmistele tingimustele:

  • Juurdepääsuõigus - teil on õigus nõuda oma isikuandmete koopiaid.
  • Õigus andmete parandustele - teil on õigus nõuda, et parandaksime Teie arvates ebatäpsed andmed. Samuti on teil õigus nõuda, et täiendaksime andmeid, mis on Teie arvates puudulikud.
  • Kustutamisõigus - teatud tingimustel on teil õigus nõuda Teie isikuandmete kustutamist.
  • Andmete töötlemise piiramise õigus - teatud tingimustel on teil õigus nõuda Teie isikuandmete kasutamise piiramist.
  • Õigus vaidlustada isikuandmete kasutamine - teatud tingimustel on teil õigus vaidlustada Teie isikuandmete kasutamine.
  • Õigus andmete teisaldatavusele - teatud tingimustel on teil õigus nõuda, et me edastaksime kogutud andmed kolmandale osapoolele või otse teile.

Teie andmete turvalisus

Teie isikuandmete turvalisus on meie jaoks oluline, kuid pidage meeles, et ükski Interneti-teel info vahetamise viis ega elektrooniline salvestusmeetod pole 100% turvaline. Kuigi anname endast kõik, et kaitsta Teie andmeid, ei saa me tagada nende täielikku turvalisust.

CityShop OÜ võtab ette kõik mõistlikult vajalikud meetmed, et tagada Teie andmete töötlemine turvaliselt ja kooskõlas käesoleva privaatsuspoliitika ning Eesti Vabariigi seadusega. Teie andmeid ei edastata ühelegi organisatsioonile ega riigile, välja arvatud juhul, kui selleks on mõjuv põhjus ja on tagatud Teie andmete turvalisus.

Viitamine teistele veebisaitidele

Meie veebisaidilt võite leida linke teistele veebilehtedele, mis ei kuulu meile. Kui vajutate kolmanda osapoole lingil, suunatakse teid selle kolmanda osapoole saidile. Soovitame tungivalt tutvuda iga külastatava saidi privaatsuseeskirjaga.

Me ei oma mingit kontrolli kolmandate osapoolte saitide üle ega võta vastutust nende sisu, privaatsuspoliitika, pakutavate teenuste või muu eest.

Privaatsuspoliitika uuendused

Vajadusel on meil õigus teha käesolevale privaatsuspoliitika dokumendile muudatusi. Privaatsuspoliitika uuenemise järel muudame me selle allosas paiknevat dokumendi värskendamise kuupäeva. Kui külastate ja kasutate meie veebilehte ka pärast privaatsuspoliitika uuendamist, käsitleme me seda kui Teie vaikivat nõusolekut muudatustega.


Viimati muudetud 06/06/2024

CityShop OÜ Privacy Policy

Your Privacy Matters to Us

CityShop OÜ values your privacy and complies with all applicable laws and regulations concerning any personal data we may collect about you when you visit our website By using our website, you agree to the collection and use of your data in accordance with this privacy policy.

This privacy policy explains what data we collect, how we use it, and your rights to protect your data. This policy applies only to our website and its visitors, and not to data collected through other channels.

Data Controller

  • CityShop OÜ
  • Company registration number: 14196231
  • Email:
  • Phone: +372 5660 1667

We collect and process information in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into effect on 25 May 2018.

Data Collection and Use

What Data We Collect

We collect information that you knowingly and actively provide to us when using our services or participating in our campaigns, as well as any information your devices send to us when accessing our products and services.

We collect data through the following methods:

  • When you place an order on
  • When you register as a user on
  • When you contact us via phone, email, or online chat
  • When you purchase a product on installment and sign a leasing agreement
  • When you browse our website
  • When you provide personal information about another person who receives the goods
  • When you make payments using online banking or other electronic payment methods
  • When you comment on, like, or share a post on our social media account
  • When you subscribe to our newsletter
  • When you comment on posts on our website

Types of Data Collected

Personal Data We ask for personal information only when necessary to provide you with a service. This may include:

  • First and last name
  • Email address
  • Postal address, country, county, city
  • Phone number
  • Your purchase history and activity on our e-store
  • Communication history between you and us
  • Information about your web browser and IP address

Log Files Our website stores log files about visitors. This information includes:

  • Type of device used
  • Internet protocol (IP) address
  • Browser type
  • Internet service provider (ISP)
  • Date and time of visit
  • Entry and exit pages
  • Number of clicks

Log file information is used to analyze trends, administer the site, track user activities, and gather demographic information. This data is not intended to identify individuals.

Cookies Like most websites, uses "cookies." A cookie is essentially a text file stored on a user's device during a website visit. Cookies help set and store preferences, regional settings, service usage options, and more.

You can disable cookies in your browser settings, but doing so may affect the service provided to you.

Cookies are categorized as persistent or session cookies. Persistent cookies remain on your computer or mobile device even after closing the browser, while session cookies are deleted immediately after closing the browser.

Cookies are classified by their purpose:

  • Necessary Cookies: Session cookies that enable the use of services on our website. These cookies help authenticate users and prevent malicious use of user accounts. Without these cookies, we cannot provide the services you request.
  • Notification Cookies: These cookies detect whether users have accepted the use of cookies on the website.
  • Functionality Cookies: These cookies allow your browser to remember choices you make when using the website, such as saving login information or language preferences. Their purpose is to offer a more personalized experience and avoid re-entering preferences.

How We Use the Data

Collected information may be used for various purposes, including:

  • Maintaining, managing, developing, personalizing, and expanding our website
  • Collecting statistics to offer better services and/or offers and understanding visitor behavior on our website
  • Identifying you by phone, message, or email
  • Sending you information and requesting feedback about our services
  • Preventing fraud and protecting our website
  • Communicating with you through social media accounts
  • Reading chat history to provide relevant advice
  • Improving the quality of our service and offering more effective browsing solutions
  • Developing new products, services, or enhancing their functionality
  • Shipping/delivering goods, processing orders, issuing invoices, and confirming or refunding orders
  • Offering products and services that may interest you based on your previous orders
  • Facilitating and speeding up interactions when you contact us
  • For other purposes, such as data analysis, trend research, and evaluating the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns

Sharing Your Data

We may share your personal data in the following circumstances:

  • During a change of ownership, merger, sale of assets, financing, or acquisition. We will inform you about the transfer of your personal data and if it will be governed by another privacy policy.
  • With our partner companies, requiring them to follow this privacy policy. Partner companies include our parent and subsidiary companies, joint venture partners, or companies we own.
  • With business partners to offer you certain products, services, or campaigns.
  • With your consent, to disclose your personal data for any other purpose.
  • When required by law. We may disclose your data in good faith to comply with legal obligations, protect our rights or property, prevent or detect possible violations related to our service, and ensure user safety.

Retention of Personal Data

We retain your personal data only as long as necessary for the purposes outlined in this privacy policy. We keep and use your personal data to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies.

We retain log files for internal analysis purposes. Log files are usually kept for a shorter period unless needed for security enhancement, service functionality improvement, or if legally required to retain the data for longer.

Processing Data of Children

None of our products or services is directed to children under 13, and we do not knowingly collect data from children under 13. If we suspect we process data from a child under 13, we will remove that data from all our databases.

Your Rights to Protect Your Data

You have the right to not share your data with us, knowing that it may affect your experience on our website. We will not treat you unfairly for not sharing your data. If you provide personal information, you understand that we collect, store, use, and disclose it in accordance with this privacy policy. You have the right to request details of the data we collect about you.

When we receive personal information about you from a third party, we will protect it as described in this privacy policy and by Estonian law. If you share third-party data, you confirm that you have the right and permission to do so.

Even if you have previously agreed to share your personal data for marketing purposes, you can change your mind at any time. You have the right to opt out of communication with us and request that we remove your data from our databases. Occasionally, we may ask you for information to verify your identity. If you find that the data we have collected about you is inaccurate, outdated, incomplete, irrelevant, or misleading, please contact us via email: or phone: +372 5660 1667. We will do our best to correct inaccurate, incomplete, misleading, or outdated information.

If you believe we have violated relevant data protection laws and want to file a complaint, please contact us using the details found in this document and provide us with all relevant information about the violation. We will promptly investigate your complaint and respond in writing, outlining the investigation results and the steps we will take to resolve your complaint. You also have the right to contact a regulatory or data protection authority.

GDPR Data Protection Rights

We want to ensure you are aware of all your data protection rights. Every user has the following rights:

  • Right to Access: You have the right to request copies of your personal data.
  • Right to Rectification: You have the right to request that we correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request that we complete information you believe is incomplete.
  • Right to Erasure: Under certain conditions, you have the right to request the erasure of your personal data.
  • Right to Restrict Processing: Under certain conditions, you have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data.
  • Right to Object to Processing: Under certain conditions, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data.
  • Right to Data Portability: Under certain conditions, you have the right to request that we transfer the collected data to a third party or directly to you.

Data Security

The security of your personal data is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is 100% secure. While we strive to protect your data, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

CityShop OÜ takes all reasonably necessary measures to ensure your data is processed securely and in accordance with this privacy policy and Estonian law. Your data will not be transferred to any organization or country unless there are adequate controls in place to ensure the security of your data.

Linking to Other Websites

Our website may contain links to other websites that are not operated by us. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that third party's site. We strongly advise you to review the privacy policy of every site you visit.

We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, services, or practices of any third-party sites.

Privacy Policy Updates

We reserve the right to update this privacy policy as needed. When we update the policy, we will change the date at the bottom of the document. By continuing to visit and use our website after the privacy policy update, we will treat this as your implicit agreement to the changes.

Last modified 06/06/2024