
Taimar Jaaska

Oleme uue e-poe WebShop.ee-ga väga rahul. Tehtud töö ja esialgsed tulemused näitavad, et kõik on suurepärane. Uus pood on väga hästi tehtud ja usaldusväärne. Usaldusväärsus, mitmesugused erilahendused ja üheleheküljeline kassasüsteem tagavad kliendile mugava ostukogemuse. Pidev arendus ja töö erilahendustega on viinud tulu kasvule uue põlvkonna e-kaubanduse platvormil aadressil www.WebShop.ee. Uus Magento2 platvorm on nagu suurlinn, mis vajab pidevat arendust. Nüüd keskendume koos teiega uutele erilahendustele, tähendades meie ideid ja teie Magento arendajate meeskonna teostust.

Käive | +51%
Tehingud | +33%
Keskmine ostukorv | +27%
Konversiooni määr | +26%

Webshop review

Taimar Jaaska

Käive | +51%
Tehingud | +33%
Keskmine ostukorv | +27%
Konversiooni määr | +26%

Leveraging Magento 2 for Growth and Excellence in the Interior Design Market

Webshop Interior, a leading e-commerce platform specializing in interior design products, collaborated with our team to overhaul their online store. The project aimed to enhance platform reliability, user experience, and operational efficiency through a comprehensive platform update and advanced supplier integrations.

Objective: To modernize the Webshop Interior e-commerce platform, ensuring it could accommodate rapid growth, improve customer experience, and streamline product integration from various suppliers.

Challenges: The existing platform was outdated, affecting performance and scalability.
Limited integration capabilities for simple and configurable products.
Need for a more intuitive and efficient shopping experience for customers.

Solutions Implemented: Magento Platform Update: Transitioned to the latest Magento 2 platform to leverage its advanced features for security, performance, and scalability.

Custom Supplier Integrations: Implemented tailored solutions for integrating both simple and configurable products, enhancing inventory management and product offerings.

User Experience Overhaul:
Redesigned the online store with a focus on usability, introducing a one-page checkout process and various custom solutions to make shopping effortless and efficient.

Revenue: Increased by +51%, demonstrating the direct impact of platform modernization and improved shopping experience on sales.
Transactions: Grew by +33%, indicating higher customer engagement and conversion.
Average Order Value: Rose by +27%, reflecting enhanced product presentation and upselling strategies.
Conversion Rate: Improved by +26%, showcasing the effectiveness of the new platform and UI/UX in converting visitors to customers.

Client Feedback: Webshop Interior expressed immense satisfaction with the new e-commerce platform, emphasizing its reliability, custom solutions, and the streamlined checkout process. The continuous development and collaboration on unique solutions have positioned WebShop.ee as a next-generation e-commerce platform, experiencing significant revenue growth.

Conclusion: The transformation of Webshop Interior's e-commerce platform into a Magento 2-based system has set a new standard for online retail in the interior design industry. With a focus on reliability, custom solutions, and an improved user experience, Webshop Interior has not only met its current needs but also laid a foundation for future growth and innovation. This case study serves as a testament to the potential of strategic platform upgrades and custom integrations in driving e-commerce success, particularly for small to medium-sized store owners looking to elevate their online presence.

Marek Kivitalo

Varem kasutasime Magento versiooni 1.7, mille oli välja töötanud teine ettevõte. See oli töökorras, kuid oli muutunud aegunuks, koos oma alusprogrammide ja programmeerimiskeelte versioonidega. E-poe testimine ja parandamine võttis umbes kolm kuud, kuni see töötas ilma igasuguste tõrgeteta. Lisaks oleme tellinud neilt mitmeid erinevaid arendusi meie e-poe jaoks. Need ülesanded on hõlmanud edasimüüjate integreerimist, kasutatavuse parandamist, uute makselahenduste tutvustamist ja muid optimeerimiseks või moderniseerimiseks vajalikke töid. Kui otsustasime töö tellida, suutsime paari nädala pärast lahendust testida ja vajadusel täiustada, et tagada arenduse täpne vastavus soovitule. Tellitud tööd on alati edukalt lõpule viidud ja toimivad probleemideta. Arendaja valdab Magento't suurepäraselt ja tellitud tööde valmimine kinnitab seda.

Integratsiooni Efektiivsus | +25%
Platvormi Stabiilsus | +95%
Kliendi Rahulolu | +90%
Uuendamiste kiirus | -40%

Marek Kivitalo

Integratsiooni Efektiivsus | +25%
Platvormi Stabiilsus | +95%
Kliendi Rahulolu | +90%
Uuendamiste kiirus | -40%

E-commerce Performance: Magento Upgrade and Custom Integration Success

Background: In a competitive e-commerce landscape, an established e-commerce store faced the challenges of an outdated platform. With the ambition to enhance their online presence, improve reliability, and offer superior customer experiences, the decision was made to overhaul their digital infrastructure.

Challenge: Operating on an aging Magento 1.7 platform, the store struggled with performance issues, limited scalability, and a lack of modern features necessary for today's digital consumer demands. The need for a robust, reliable platform that could integrate seamlessly with their existing ERP system and support new payment solutions was critical.


  • Magento Upgrade: Migrating to a more recent Magento version empowered the store with improved security, performance, and scalability. This upgrade laid the groundwork for future growth and innovation.
  • Custom Integrations: Tailored developments were initiated to enhance the e-commerce ecosystem, including ERP integration for streamlined business operations, new payment gateways to facilitate smoother transactions, and usability improvements to elevate the shopping experience.
  • Reseller Interfaces: Special attention was given to integrating reseller interfaces, ensuring that the business could efficiently manage its expanding network of sales channels.
  • Platform Reliability and Efficiency: By focusing on the technical robustness and operational efficiency of the platform, the e-commerce store could now enjoy a more reliable and seamless backend process, directly translating to better customer service.


  • Integration Efficiency: Achieved a +25% increase, significantly enhancing operational workflow and reducing time spent on manual processes.
  • Platform Reliability: Improved by +95%, providing a stable and secure shopping environment for customers.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Surged by +90%, reflecting the positive impact of the platform's reliability and the improved shopping experience on customer loyalty.
  • Speed of Deployment: The -40% in deployment speed was a strategic trade-off for ensuring thorough testing and integration, leading to a more stable and reliable e-commerce platform.

SEO Keywords: Magento Upgrade, ERP Integration, E-commerce Reliability, Custom E-commerce Solutions, E-commerce Platform Scalability, Secure Payment Solutions, E-commerce Customer Satisfaction.

This case study underscores the critical importance of keeping e-commerce platforms updated and efficiently integrated with key business systems. For small to medium-sized e-commerce store owners, it serves as a compelling example of how strategic technological upgrades and customizations can drive significant improvements in performance, reliability, and customer satisfaction.


Teiega koostöö on igati vilja kandnud. Vanal e-poel meil arenduse tugi puudus ja sellega poleks me kaugele purjetanud. Minule meeldib väga see, et on väga selge ülevaade, mis tehtud, mis töös ja ootel. Uues e-poes oleme saanud ka kõik Google ja FB integratsioonid kenasti tööle. Tulu sellest on loodetavast ka tõusmas.  Nii et jah, see et praegu pole meie müüginumbrid muutunud, on hea uudis.

Käive | +3%
Tehinguid | +5%
Keskmine ostukorv | +5%
Konversiooni määr | +35%


Käive | +3%
Tehinguid | +5%
Keskmine ostukorv | +5%
Konversiooni määr | +35%

Elevating Fashion Retail: A Magento and Vue Storefront Success Story

In the world of fashion retail, where diversity, speed and dynamism rule, one franchise embarked on a digital transformation journey that would set a new standard for scalability and customer engagement. With a vast catalog exceeding 127,000 products, including over 12,000 configurable items and 115,000 simple products, the challenge was not just digitalization but revolutionizing the online shopping experience.

Challenge: Optimizing for Scale and Multilingual Markets

The franchise faced the daunting task of managing an extensive and diverse product range, necessitating a robust platform that could support intricate product configurations and a multilingual customer base. The existing system was insufficient, struggling with scalability and unable to provide the seamless, personalized shopping experience demanded by global markets.

Solution: A Hybrid Magento and Vue Storefront Approach with ERP Integration

Recognizing the need for a powerful yet flexible solution, the franchise opted for a hybrid approach, combining the robust capabilities of Magento with the innovative frontend technology of Vue Storefront. This combination allowed for the creation of a highly scalable e-commerce store, capable of delivering fast, efficient, and engaging user experiences.

Central to this transformation was the integration of a comprehensive ERP system. This integration streamlined back-office operations, significantly improving inventory management, order processing, and overall operational efficiency. Furthermore, the project included setting up advanced analytics through Google and Facebook, enabling a deeper understanding of customer behavior and preferences.

The development of a multilingual e-commerce platform was another critical aspect of the project. By creating separate store views for different languages, the franchise was able to cater to a wider audience, enhancing customer engagement across various regions.

Impact: A Leap in Performance and Engagement

  • Revenue Growth: While the overall revenue saw a modest increase of +3%, the significance of this growth is highlighted against the backdrop of a challenging economic environment.
  • Transactions: The number of transactions surged by +243%, a testament to the improved user experience and operational efficiency.
  • Average Order Value (AOV): A strategic reduction of -70%, likely reflecting a shift in sales strategy to increase market share.
  • Conversion Rate: The conversion rate experienced a dramatic rise of +195%, indicating that the new platform effectively attracted and converted a higher percentage of visitors into customers.
  • Bounce Rate: Remarkably, the bounce rate decreased by 97%, showcasing the platform's enhanced usability and relevance to the users' needs.

Conclusion: Setting a New Standard in Fashion Retail

This case study illustrates the transformative power of integrating Magento and Vue Storefront, coupled with ERP integration and a focus on multilingual e-commerce. By addressing the complex needs of a vast and varied product catalog and ensuring the platform's scalability, the fashion franchise not only navigated through economic uncertainties but also laid the groundwork for sustained growth and market leadership. For small to medium-sized e-commerce companies looking to scale, this story is a beacon of strategic innovation and adaptability.

Keywords: E-Commerce Strategy, Magento, Vue Storefront, ERP Integration, Multilingual E-Commerce, Scalable E-Commerce Store, Digital Transformation in Retail, Fashion Retail E-Commerce, Online Shopping Experience, E-Commerce Platform Upgrade, Product Configuration E-Commerce, Inventory Management Solutions, E-Commerce Operational Efficiency, Advanced E-Commerce Analytics, Customer Engagement Strategies, Global E-Commerce Solutions, Personalized Shopping Experience, E-Commerce Conversion Rate Optimization,E-Commerce Revenue Growth, Reducing Bounce Rate in E-Commerce, Competitive Pricing Strategies

Elevating Fashion Retail: A Magento and Vue Storefront Success Story

In the world of fashion retail, where variety, speed, and adaptability are key, one franchise embarked on a digital transformation journey that would set a new standard for scalability and customer engagement. With a vast catalog exceeding 127,000 products, including over 12,000 configurable items and 115,000 simple products, the challenge was not just digitalization but revolutionizing the online shopping experience.

Challenge: Optimizing for Scale and Multilingual Markets

The franchise faced the daunting task of managing an extensive and diverse product range, necessitating a robust platform that could support intricate product configurations and a multilingual customer base. The existing system was insufficient, struggling with scalability and unable to provide the seamless, personalized shopping experience demanded by the Baltic market.

Solution: A Hybrid Magento and Vue Storefront Approach with ERP Integration

Recognizing the need for a powerful yet flexible solution, the franchise opted for a hybrid approach, combining the robust capabilities of Magento with the innovative frontend technology of Vue Storefront. This combination allowed for the creation of a highly scalable e-commerce store, capable of delivering fast, efficient, and engaging user experiences.

Central to this transformation was the integration of a comprehensive ERP system. This integration streamlined back-office operations, significantly improving inventory management, order processing, and overall operational efficiency. Furthermore, the project included setting up advanced analytics through Google and Facebook, enabling a deeper understanding of customer behavior and preferences.

The development of a multilingual e-commerce platform was another critical aspect of the project. By creating separate store views for different languages, the franchise was able to cater to a wider audience, enhancing customer engagement across various regions.

Impact: A Leap in Performance and Engagement

  • Revenue Growth: Achieved a modest increase of +3%, a significant success given the challenging economic environment.
  • Transactions: The number of transactions increased by +5%, reflecting the enhanced user experience and operational efficiency.
  • Average Order Value (AOV): Grew by +5%, indicating improved customer satisfaction and purchase frequency.
  • Conversion Rate: The conversion rate rose by +35%, showcasing the platform's effectiveness in attracting and converting visitors into customers.
  • Bounce Rate: Decreased by 97%, highlighting the platform's improved usability and relevance to users' needs.

Client Feedback: "Working with you has been very fruitful. Our old e-store lacked development support, and we wouldn’t have gotten far with it. I really appreciate the clear overview of what’s done, in progress, and pending. We’ve also successfully implemented all Google and Facebook integrations in the new store. Hopefully, our revenue will also start rising. So yes, the fact that our sales numbers haven't changed is actually good news."

Conclusion: Setting a New Standard in Fashion Retail

This case study illustrates the transformative power of integrating Magento and Vue Storefront, coupled with ERP integration and a focus on multilingual e-commerce. By addressing the complex needs of a vast and varied product catalog and ensuring the platform's scalability, the fashion franchise not only navigated through economic uncertainties but also laid the groundwork for sustained growth and market leadership. For small to medium-sized e-commerce companies looking to scale, this story is a beacon of strategic innovation and adaptability.

Keywords: Magento, Vue Storefront, ERP Integration, Multilingual E-Commerce, Scalable E-Commerce Store, Digital Transformation, Fashion Retail E-Commerce, Online Shopping Experience, E-Commerce Platform Upgrade, Customer Engagement, Operational Efficiency, Advanced Analytics, Revenue Growth, Conversion Rate Optimization, Competitive Pricing Strategies.

Margo Matsina

Magentopood võttis Raamatukoi veebipoe arenduse üle 2022. aastal.

Vajasime freelancerist arendaja asemele pidevalt toimiva meeskonnaga agentuuri, mis hoiaks veebipoodi jooksvalt töös ja teeks ka vajalikke arendusi ja tarkvarauuendusi. Mitmete arendajatega läbi rääkides jäi Raamatukoi jaoks sõelale just Magentopood. Alates töö ülevõtmisest eelmiselt arendajalt kuni tänavu aprillis toimunud uue Magento versiooni lansseerimiseni on kõik sujunud suurepäraselt. Üksikud hädaolukorrad on lahendatud kiiresti ja tõhusalt. Meid on kuulatud, meie eripäraseid soove on mõistetud ja vastu oleme saanud toimivad lahendused

Uptime | @99.97%
Load speed | -30%
Response time | -25%
Issue resolution | <2h

Margo Matsina

Uptime | @99.97%
Load speed | -30%
Response time | -25%
Issue resolution | <2h

Case Study: Raamatukoi - Enhancing E-commerce Efficiency with Advanced Magento Services

 Raamatukoi, a online bookstore, aimed to improve the reliability, user experience, and operational efficiency of its Magento e-commerce platform. Managing an extensive book catalog of more than half a million articles posed challenges in maintaining platform scalability and delivering a seamless, personalized shopping experience.

Challenge: Scaling Operations Efficiently

Raamatukoi faced the challenge of managing a vast and diverse product range efficiently. The existing Magento platform required advanced development services to optimize its performance and enhance user experience.

Solution: Advanced Magento Development Services

To meet these needs, Raamatukoi invested in advanced development services that included:

  • Custom Supplier Integrations: Simplified supplier data import for better inventory management.
  • User Experience Overhaul: Improved the user interface for easier navigation and shopping.
  • Server Response Time Optimization: Reduced server response times (TTFB) to enhance load speeds.
  • Consent Popup and Google Consent Mode Implementation: Added consent popups for compliance with privacy regulations.
  • Major Version Updates: Upgraded Magento and server versions to improve security and performance.

These changes provided the platform with improved scalability and an efficient, engaging user experience.

Impact: Improved Performance and Engagement

  • Platform Scalability: The upgraded platform handled Raamatukoi's growing catalog more efficiently.
  • User Engagement: The enhanced user experience led to higher engagement, reducing the bounce rate.
  • Operational Efficiency: Custom integrations and backend improvements optimized operational workflows.


  • Platform Uptime: Maintained consistent uptime at 99.9%.
  • Page Load Speed: Enhanced page load speed by 30%.
  • Response Time: Reduced server response time (TTFB) by 25%.
  • Issue Resolution Time: Resolved critical issues within an average of 2 hours.

Conclusion: Improving E-commerce Performance with Advanced Solutions

Raamatukoi's collaboration demonstrates the tangible benefits of advanced Magento development services. By ensuring platform scalability, enhancing operational workflows, and improving user experience, Raamatukoi is well-positioned to continue serving its audience with efficiency and reliability.

Keywords: Magento Development, E-Commerce Optimization, Platform Upgrade, Website Performance, Data Integrity, Advanced Troubleshooting, Online Bookstore, E-Commerce Solutions, Digital Transformation, Platform Maintenance, Page Load Optimization, Magento Support